b'LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORCreativity and Resiliency:erations. As some PVA vessel members have Hallmarks of the U.S. Passengerbegun operating, albeit at severely reduced Vessel Industry levels, they are gathering experience about how to operate with the demands of coping The U.S. passenger vessel industry is nowith the coronavirus and are sharing it with stranger to hurricanes, floods, economictheir fellow members. Through regular con-downturns, recessions and other challengingference calls of the PVA Safety and Security situations. Each of these events has placedCommittee, PVA members are learning hurdles which, in some ways, appeared toJohn Groundwater from each other and are adopting practices be insurmountable. Yet, the members ofdeemed successful by other members. The the Passenger Vessel Association (PVA),committee has agreed that, as the body of Vessel and Associate members alike, have consistentlyknowledge and experiences grows, that this information responded to each with creative solutions and an impres- could be included in another edition of the PVA Reopening sive display of resilience.Guidelines.The onset and the continuation of the coronavirus has been debilitating for PVA members. ExpectationsSenate Bill Would Provide Emergency Financial for record business in 2020 quickly fizzled, only to beAssistance for Passenger Vessel Operatorsreplaced by lingering questions and uncertainty. DuringSince the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, all of this, PVA members have pulled together to sharePVA has worked tirelessly with Congress and the Trump information and lessons learned. Regular virtual webAdministration to provide needed emergency financial conferences have grown in attendanceassistance to PVA Vessel and Associate and frequency. PVA leaders and staffmembers. We recognize that initial have organized and participated in aAs Americans slowly begin tofunding from programs such as the variety of web-based conference callstravel this summer, they canPaycheck Protection Program (PPP) where reopening and related opera- rest assured that PVA memberwhile helpful, has all but run out. tions questions are considered andoperators are prepared and doingFor quite a few weeks, PVA staff discussed. While all PVA memberseverything they can to protecthas worked with Senator Jack Reeds have common challenges in copingthem aboard their vessels. office about introducing legislation that with the coronavirus pandemic, therewould provide long-term financial as-are also other challenges that are uniquesistance in the form of grants and loans to certain industry segments. Achieving social distancingto U.S. passenger vessel operators. This month, Senator is surely a concern for all passenger vessel operators, butReed and Senator Susan Collins co-sponsored and intro-each may have a different way of coping based on vesselduced legislation, S. 4150, which would do this. size and passenger capacity.As a result, PVA immediately implemented a grass For example, the sailing vessel segment of theroots program to involve PVA members in urging their passenger vessel industry has a specific set of challengesSenators to co-sponsor this important legislation. PVA is when trying to achieve social distancing. With smalleralso working closely with the American Bus Association vessels and limited deck space in many cases, these PVA(ABA), whose members are also slated to receive funding, member operators have nonetheless developed effectiveto promote passage of the bill.plans to creatively achieve social distancing while alsoIn a joint letter to Senate and House leaders, PVA, preserving the experience of open-air sailing. I encourageABA and others urged Congressional support of S.4150 you to take a moment to view PVA member Schoonersaying, This legislation provides much needed grant Woodwinds, Annapolis, MD seating plan on their websiteand economic assistance to transportation industries when you have a moment. They have done a great joboverlooked in previously enacted COVID-19 economic with limited space. relief packages. With Congress and the Administration developing targeted interventions to support sectors of PVA Reopening Guidelines Helping PVA Members the economy that continue to struggle from COVID-19 As Americans slowly begin to travel this summer,pandemic, this legislation is crafted to meet this intent and they can rest assured that PVA member operators arewe seek your support.prepared and doing everything they can to protect them aboard their vessels. As you know, the PVA Safety andAn Exciting Future for FOGHORN MagazineSecurity Committee marshaled the far-reaching experi- Beginning with the November 2020 issue, PVA staff ence of its members to develop and release reopeningwill assume all FOGHORN publishing and advertis-guidelines for PVA members to use in their respective op- LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CONTINUED ON PAGE 46JULY 2020FOGHORN 5'