b'COAST GUARD REPORTAdapting to the Virtual TimesBy Lieutenant Amy E. Gayman, U.S. Coast Guard Sector San Francisco, Domestic Inspections BranchT he San Francisco Bay Areas Shelter-in-Place Order announced on March 16 declaring a mandatory stay at home requirement left the U.S. Coast Guard men and women at Sector San Franciscos Domestic Vessel Inspection Branch with an unprecedented challenge. Because statutory obligations were not covered by this ordinance, the local Coast Guard needed to fi nd a way to continue inspecting the majority of U.S.-fl agged passenger vessels, barges, towing vessels, and deep draft commercial vessels while managing risk of exposure to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).The emergence of virtual inspections was a paradigm shift for commercial vessel operators in the Bay Area, as Coast Guard Marine Inspectors worked tire-lessly to develop sound criteria for scrutinizing the majority of annual inspections using virtual methods. Utilizing photos, videos, and livestream technology marine inspectors worked with operators to review required documents, as well as the op-erational status of equipment and systems. This novel inspection method ensured operators stayed current with their required vessel inspections, while demonstrat-ing safe vessel conditions and operations.A typical virtual inspection begins with an examination of emailed documents and certifi cates, followed by a livestream call with the operator. After discussing the outlined systems and equipment, the marine inspector will guide the operator to the bilge alarm panel at the operating station to verify proper audible and visualBlue and Gold Fleet took part in a virtual Coast Guard inspection due to COVID-19. They provided videos, high water alarms. Next is a verifi cation of the bilge system or individual pumps,photos, and documentation to USCG marine inspectors. proven by pumping water from a compartment. The operator is then directedCredit: Blue and Gold Fleet.KEEPING BAY AREA FLEETS IN SERVICE FOR OVER 40 YEARSBay Ship and Yacht makes it a priority to per-form on-time, quality service for all vessels. We are a full service shipyard cosistently serving Al- 5 1 0 . 3 3 7 . 9 1 2 2 ameda, San Francisco Bay, the west coast andwww.bay-ship.com the worlds maritime industry for over 40 years. A l a m e d a , C A14JULY 2020FOGHORN'