b'NEWSWIREPVA Endorses Bill Giving Financial Relief to Vessel OperatorsCongress is considering a potentialAid can be in the form of grants andstill-to-be-implemented Main Street new source of financial relief forloans, or both. The Secretary of theLending program.operators of U.S. passenger vessels. TheTreasury has wide discretion as toAn aid recipient can use funds for legislation (S. 4150) is entitled thedistributing the aid and setting themost common operational expenses.Coronavirus Economic Relief forterms; While the bill as introduced does Transportation Services Act (the CERTSThe maximum amount of aid to anot extend eligibility to companies Act). recipient cannot exceed its revenuethat do not actually provide passenger PVAs Board of Directors hasearned in 2019, less any othertransportation, PVA is pursuing the voted to endorse the CERTS Act, andaid received through Paycheckpossibility of an amendment that PVAs staff is already working withProtection Program, SBA Economicwould extend eligibility to PVA allied trade associations to encourageInjury Disaster Loan program, orAssociate members. nSenators to pass it.The bills sponsors, Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island and Senator Susan Collins of Maine, introducedRELAX. THIS JOURNEYS the CERTS Act on July 2. This bill is designed to provide additional fi nancialPOWERED BY CATERPILLAR.assistance to operators of U.S. passenger vessels and operators of motor coaches that have been adversely impacted byWhen your cargo can talk, the stakes are high. When the coronavirus pandemic. you choose Caterpillar, you dont have to worry about meeting your passengers high expectations for Here are the key features of thereliable, safe, clean operation. Our engines set the proposed legislation as it pertains to thestandard, so everyone can sit back and enjoy the ride.passenger vessel industry:It authorizes $10 billion for certainLearn more about our Ferry transportation services providersand Cruise solutionsthat have been adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic;Eligible entities are most bus companies and entities that operate passenger vessels andFor more information, visit www.cat.com/marinesmall passenger vessels and most 2020 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, LETS DO THE WORK, their respective logos, Caterpillar Yellow, the Power Edge and Cat Modern Hex trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.bus companies; Nearly all PVA vessel members will be potentially eligible to receive aid.This would include operators of any type of passenger-carryingSafety is not a compromise. Add New PPE!vessel, including ferries, dinnerDedicated Engineering and Customer Service supportcruise vessels, sightseeing andRegional sales people throughout the US and coastal areasNew products to meet any vessel configurationeco-tour vessels, overnight cruiseAll seats meet requirements of IMO HSC Codeoperators, etc. Only a vessel with a passenger capacity of 2,400 or more would be ineligible;Money is to be disbursed by the U.S. Secretary of Treasury in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation;To be eligible to receive aid, a passenger vessel entity must be based in the U.S., with a majorityCatalina GenoaFlipSeat Valencia NewSocialDistanceof employees in the U.S., and mustSeat AluminumSeat SeatBandoperate a U.S.-flagged vessel. ThisSUPPLYINGMAJORCITIES,BUILDERSANDOPERATORSACROSSNORTHAMERICAhas the effect of making an operatorWWW.FREEDMANSEATING.COM | (800) 443-4540of foreign cruise ships ineligible to receive aid;JULY 2020FOGHORN 33'