b'POINT/COUNTER POINThiring at rates 50 percent of large firms,a reduced hourly rate, but in the longon the representation. I would never should always be considered. run, it is a matter of trusting that yourtake offense to that question and would Shaw:I certainly agree that goodattorney is committed to being fair. welcome the opportunity to have a local firms can match the expertise andwell-understood relationship going depth of top national firms. This allinto a matter, rather than an annoyed ties to getting the right lawyer for you,client on the back end.which is a journey. But sometimes IveI certainly agree that good Shaw: One helpful thought I have had the perception that I am paying forlocal firms can match theused for billing: ask for a ballpark the training of young associates. Forexpertise and depth of topestimate at the start of a project. Your example, they might need to spendattorney may squirm and hedge, 8-10 hours of research to produce anational firms. This all ties towhich can generate a chuckle, but tight 2-3-page memo that summarizes agetting the right lawyer foryoull establish expectations and good situation without clear direction. Thenyou, which is a journey. communication. For example, if it is it costs more to develop options. Whya $25,000 issue, Ill ask our lawyers to do I have to pay for that? BOB SHAW report when the meter hits each $10k Bers: Bob, let me acknowledge aincrement. Then Ill have an early valid concern. I know in my firm wewarning if the issue is off-track and be absolutely do not expect our clientsable to reset expectations. to pay for a learning curve, and everyOne suggestion might be anBers: I think the squirm and effort is directed to match the issueadvance dialogue when work ishedge depiction is a bit unfair. I better with an attorney with background incommenced as to how much time thedescribe the response as cautious the need. To some extent, the junior ex- partner-level attorney and how muchin assuring that any response is un-perience is reflected in what should betime a young associate will be spendingderstood. I have given estimates, 20JULY 2020FOGHORN'