b'SAFETYMATTERSbe included in the Senates version of7, and Conception all have hinderedoras recommended by the investiga-the next Coast Guard Authorizationare currently hinderingthe progresstion. My colleague Pete Lauridsen Bill. The Coast Guard indicated theyof safety investigations by the NTSBcommented that criminal prosecutions had seen draft legislation and providedand Coast Guard. PVA believes thisfollowed the George Prinz and Marine input as well.situation does not promote the safetyElectric Coast Guard Marine Boards of of U.S.-fl agged vessels. A better systemInvestigation. Amphibious Passenger Vehicles is needed for safety investigation toThe use of the Seamans Man-The National Transportation Safetytake place and determine the causeslaughter Act following the Staten Board (NTSB) completed their inves- of the accident and then prosecutionIsland Ferry Andrew J Barberri casualty tigation and issued recommendations at a virtual hearing on April 28, 2020 resulting from the sinking of the Stretch Duck 7 in Branson, MO, on July 19, 2018. Just prior to the NTSB hearing, the Coast Guard issued a Marine Safety Information Bulletin recommending removal of vehicle canopies on World War II vintage and modifi ed DUKWs and those vehicles that look like the original DUKWs.PVA Immediate Past President Bob Lawler commented that the NTSB report calls out the differences between the types of amphibious vehicles that look most like World War II DUKWs. Further, the NTSB chose to focus theirrecommendations on original WorldHybrid & Zero Emission SolutionsWar II DUKWs and stretch DUKWsABB is making sustainable solutions a realitydue to the demonstrated increasedfor ferries accross Americas.Learn more at:survivability of more modern andnew.abb.com/marinepurpose-built Master Jig and Truck Ducks. He expressed concern about the language used in the Coast Guard MSIB as it does not make this same dif-ferentiation.PVA leadership and staff encour-aged the Coast Guard to complete a more thorough investigation of the Stretch Duck 7 sinking including taking the actions of the Master into consider-ation in addition to the survivability of more modern amphibious vehicles.PVA leadership also recommit-ted to working with the Coast Guard in revising the Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular pertaining to the in-spection of amphibious vehicles.Criminal Investigations Impacting SafetyPVA leadership and staff expressed concern about a perceived trend where criminal investigations are hampering safety investigations. Criminal inves-tigations into the sinkings of the RO/RO Containership El Faro, Stretch Duck JULY 2020FOGHORN 31'