b'LEGISLATIVEREPORTThere is also the possibility ofexist today. For a newly-builtbecause of financial hardship), then imposing policies intended to speedpassenger vessel, CARB is consider- up to an additional six years of service up deployment of zero-emission anding that an engine of 600 kW or morecan be granted for the existing vessel. advanced technologies for marine pro- would have to meet Tier 4 standards,After that six-year extension, the pulsion. plus a diesel particulate filter. Anvessel would have to be replaced with For an existing passenger vessel,engine of less than 600 kW would needa compliant vessel and could no longer CARB is considering an engine repow- to achieve Tier 3 standards, plus a DPF.operate in California.ering requirement so that emissionIf a suitable engine model certifiedOther likely provisions of the performance will be equivalent to theto Tier 4 were to become available, itenhanced rule include: a 15-minute cleanest available marine standardswould be required. limit on at-dock idling; a mandated (Tier 3 or Tier 4 below 600 kW, Tier 4As of January 1, 2028, a new ferryopacity test for smoky emissions; and above 600 kW). In addition, a dieselvessel to operate on a route of less thanhigher compliance fees.particulate filter (DPF) would havethree nautical miles would be requiredExtensive materials on this rule-to be installed. In the alternative,to become zero-emission. This require- making are available on CARBs CARB would allow a pre-approvedment would also apply to an existingharborcraft web page. Although the Alternative Complying Technologyferry on such a short route. fi rst public comment period on these (ACT) to meet PM and NOx standardsThe operator of an existingconcepts has closed, CARB staff will equivalent to Tier 4 + DPF. A passengerpassenger vessel would have tostill receive input; in addition, when vessel that operates fewer than 300conform to the stricter emissions re- the actual proposed rule is issued, hours per year would be exempt (thisquirements according to a schedule setthere will be an opportunity for formal would be a carry-over from the currentin the rule. However, if the operatorpublic input. CARBs goal is to present harborcraft rule). simply cannot meet the requirementthe proposed rule to the Board for con-A new-build passenger vessel(because the new technologies are notsideration and approval in 2021.would face stricter standards thanfeasible for the existing vessel andPVA continues to work with its Eachyear,thousandsofpreventablemaritime accidents are caused by operator inattention, cited twice as frequently as the next leading factor. The Furuno BR500 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) helps to prevent these accidents.Scan this code with your smart phone for a Guided Tour of the BR500.www.FurunoUSA.com26JULY 2020FOGHORN'