b'SAFETYMATTERSVirtual Partnership By Eric Christensen,Part IINon-COVID-19 Director of Regulatory Affairs and Risk Management Issues of Mutual InterestA s reported last month, the main focus of the May 27,County coroners reports indicating some passengers may 2020 virtual Quality Partnership meeting betweenhave been awake and trying to escape from below deck as senior PVA and U.S. Coast Guard leadership was thefi re consumed the vessel. The Coast Guard reported they impact and response to COVID-19. There was time, however,are also assisting in the investigation of the M/V Red Sea to address other issues impacting the domestic passengerAggressor 1, an overnight Egyptian passenger vessel similar vessel industry.to the M/V Conception, that caught fi re but most passengers were able to evacuate. Unfortunately, there was a U.S. citizen M/V Conception Investigation and Potential Legislation who died in the accident and that is why the Coast Guard is The Coast Guard has put most of the investigation intoinvolved.the fi re and loss of life on board the overnight dive vesselPVA leadership expressed concern about Congress M/V Conception on hold pending a criminal investigationjumping ahead, attempting to solve potential problems against members of the vessels crew. Public and congres- through legislation before the investigations are completed. sional attention in the casualty increased in May 2020, whenPVA staff reported that they are providing input to Senate open source media relayed details of the Santa Barbarastaffers who are working to draft language for a bill that may WORLD CLASS VESSEL DESIGNHIGH VALUE SHIPYARD SUPPORTTRUSTED OWNER AGENTBMT provided engineering and technical support for Golden Gate Ferries in the repower and refurbishments of the Spaulding-class vessels M.S. MARIN, M.S. SONOMA, and M.S. SAN FRANCISCOContact us at 703-920-7070 or inquiries@bmtdp.com30JULY 2020FOGHORN'