b'GREENNEWSThirsty? Forgo the Bottle, Reach for the Box or FountainSince bottled water hit the consumer market as a popular item to purchase, consumption has been steadily rising. A report from Statista.com found that in total sales, the U.S. market is the largest bottled water consumer market. In 2018, the U.S. bottled water sales volume amounted to approximately 13.85 billion gallons - the highest volume of bottled water ever sold in thePlastics in waterways are a growing issue. Source: NOAA.gov United States. PVA members, who have bottleslives that depend on waterways. While the plastic usedavailable for purchase in the giftThe U.S. Environmental Protection for bottled water can beshops and at onboard concessionAgency (EPA) concurred when it recycled, according tostands.reported, Plastics in the aquatic en-Laura Parkers NationalAccording to the Oceanvironment are of increasing concern Geographic article, HowConservancy, an organiza- because of their persistence and effect the Plastic Bottle Went fromtion working toward protect- on the environment, wildlife, and Miracle Container to Hateding oceans with science-basedhuman health.Garbage, which appearedsolutions, eight million metricHow are humans impacted? In June in August 2019, in the U.S., only 30 percent of them are.Water bottle fillingtons of plastics enter oceans.an article stating,The tiny pieces of 2019, National Geographic published Comparatively, in Norway,station. Credit:This is on top of the estimatedplastic scientists call microplastics are an impressive 97 percentKaren Rainbolt 150 million metric tons thateverywhere. .Now, a new study in of plastic water bottles arecurrently circulate our marine en-recycled.vironments. Plastics in waterways hasthe journal Environmental Science Many tour operators sell bottledbecome a globally recognized problemand Technology says its possible that water to their customers, includingimpacting the health and safety of allhumans may be consuming anywhere Chesapeake Windsail Cruises Joins PVA Green WATERS Program the PVA Green WATERS Program Continues to GrowWind in the sails isnt just an optimistic euphemism for a newIn early January, the PVA PVA Vessel memberit is its primary propulsion source for itsGreen WATERS Program, a vessel, Eternal Hope. Chesapeake Windsail Cruises, Chesapeakeno-cost, voluntary best green Beach, MD, is a sailing operation that relies on wind powerbusiness practices program for to propel Eternal Hope on the Mid-Atlantic Regions beautifulPVA members, set a new record: Chesapeake Bay.more than 60 million people The company recently joined the PVA Green WATERSwere passengers aboard the PVA Program. The use of a sustainable, non-carbon emitting powerGreen Fleet in 2019.These vessels are operated source makes this vessel operation an excellent candidate forby PVA Vessel members who are using effective PVAs voluntary best green business practice program aimedgreen practices to lower emissions, reduce energy, at protecting and preserving Americas waterways and fragileconserve water, and protect and preserve Americas marine life.waterways and fragile marine life. In addition to the green energy it utilizes, the operationThe list of participating members continues to also has a recycling program and uses Energy Star-rated officegrow and encompasses large and small operators equipment to reduce electrical energy usage.from each region and representing each type of Although wind is the primary propulsion source, the Eternalvessel operation of the PVA membership.Hope has a backup Yanmar engine that is energy-efficient andParticipants report lower fuel costs, positive uses ultra low sulfur fuel.community and customer support, and an engaged The venture is relatively new and company owner Nathanielworkforce for their environmental efforts. Nate Pope hopes to continue to expand their green businessFor more information on how to get involved, practices.We will try to make changes suggested on the Greencontact PVAs Karen Rainbolt at krainbolt@passenger WATERS checklist or adapt to the list as we go along. n vessel.com or 571-388-7752.n40JULY 2020FOGHORN'