b'LEGISLATIVEREPORTCalifornia operators to provide detailed information to CARBPVA Urges Members to Contact Senatorsin the hope that the agency willto Support CERTS Actbase its new rule on discernible facts. As part of this effort, PVAThe Coronavirus Economic Relief for Transportation Services Act (CERTS Act) Western Region meeting in Northis a potential new source of financial relief for operators of U.S. passenger vessels.Tahoes Incline Village, NV in theSee page 33 for details on this new legislation for our industry. fall of 2019 featured a presenta- PVAs Board of Directors has voted to endorse the legislation. Now its your tion by CARB representatives.turn.Unfortunately, it appears that aTo date, dozens of PVA members have responded to PVAs plea to ask their premise underlying the concept ofSenators to cosponsor S. 4150, the CERTS Act. the proposed rule is that the regu- PVA still needs other members to take action, particularly if they do business in lation will force the develop- a state represented by Republican Senators. As of July 17, PVA knows of 12 Senate ment of new affordable technology.cosponsors (but only 2 Republicans). We need a sufficient number of Senate co-Given the relatively small size ofsponsors to convince Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to include the CERTS Act the market for marine engines, thisin the next coronavirus economic stimulus legislation being developed now for is a doubtful assumption. consideration at the end of the month.For PVA members in otherThe bills sponsors, Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island and Senator Susan states, it does not appear that EPACollins of Maine, introduced CERTS Act on July 2. This bill is designed to provide is likely to follow Californias leadadditional financial assistance to operators of U.S. passenger vessels and operators anytime soon. However, whoof motor coaches that have been adversely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.knows if and when an enhancedInformation about how to act is included in the July 20 and July 8 PVA Member national standard might beAlerts sent to PVA members via email. noffered? nIMPROVE YOUR OPERATIONSIMPROVE YOUR OPERATIONSAutomatic interc tor trim tab systems.Automatic intercep eptor trim tab systems.Your new fuel saver.Your new fuel saver.Our ACTIVE interceptor system lowers roll and slamming by up to 50%. It also Our ACTIVE interceptor system lowers roll and slamming by reduces resistance. That means lower up to 50%. It also reduces resistance. That means lower fuelfuel consumption and less CO emissions. consumption and less CO emissions. Easy to install, easy toBENEFITSEasy to inste. Premy to operaology emiumBENEFITSoperatall, easium technte. Prat a ordable pricing.IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY, UP TO 25% technology at affordable pricing. IMPROVED FUEL ECONOMY, UP TO 25%Made of composite materials for corrosion resistance and optimum perfor- FASTER ACCELERATIONFASTER ACCELERATIONMade of composite materials for corrosion resist trice and optimumIMPROVED VISIBILITY AND SPEED mance, Humphree Interceptor tabs are elec anc powered (12 or 24 volt) IMPROVED VISIBILITY AND SPEEDperformance, Humphre an transom ins abs are electric powered (12 or 24 volt)LESS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTand made for a cle e Interceptor t tallation with no aft overhang to contend and made for a clean transom installation with no aft overhang to contend withLESS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTwith around docks or gear. For any commercial Vessel, 25 feet and up. UP TO 50% LESS ROLL MOTIONSaround docks or gear. For any commercial Vessel, 25 feet and up. UP TO 50% LESS ROLL MOTIONSHUMPHREE CONTACTS HUMPHREE CONTACTSSean BerriePhone: 757 374 9435Brett MarshallPhone: 757 374 9720 Sean Berrie Phone: 757 374 9435Brett Marshall Phone: 757 374 9720 www.humphree.comHumphree USA Inc205-114 First Colonial RoadVirginia Beach, VA 23454JULY 2020FOGHORN 27'