b'SAFETY MATTERS:Making a Di erence SAFETYThrough ParticipationERIC CHRISTENSEN PVA DIRECTOR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS & RISK MANAGEMENTI ndevelopingregulations,policy,andU.S. Code, Section 15109.Suffice it to saymakes recommendations to the Coast Guard on guidancetheU.S.CoastGuardwillthey are highly regulated in their activities butmatters aff ecting maritime security including, but almostalwaysrelyontheinputofrepresent a direct line of communication tonot limited to:national-leveladvisorycommitteesmadesenior Coast Guard leadership.Developing a national strategy and policy upofadiverserepresentationofgroupsin to provide for efficient, coordinated, and aparticularindustrysegment.ThereareWhileNationalAdvisoryCommitteesmay eff ective action to deter and minimize damage NationalMaritimeAdvisoryCommitteesconductstudies,inquiries,workshops,and from maritime-related transportation security fortowingvessels,off shoresupplyvessels,seminarsinconsultationwithindividuals incidentsandcommercialfi vessels.Thereis,andgroupsintheprivatesectorand/orshing however, no advisory committee for domesticothergovernmentalentitieswhenmaking Recommending actions required to passenger vessels. That said, there are severalrecommendationtotheCoastGuard,PVA meet current and future security threats advisory committees that touch our industryhasalwaysbelieveditisimportantforour to ports, vessels, facilities, waterways, and andbyhavingPVAmembersparticipateinmembers to be directly involved in the work of their associated inter-modal transportation these advisory committees we can ensure ourseveral advisory committees. As the late Beth connections and critical infrastructure voice is heard by those who are charged withGedney used to say, If you are not at the table, Addressing security issues and concerns regulating our industry.you are on the menu.brought to the committee by segments of the ManyoftheNationalMaritimeAdvisoryHereisarundownoftheDepartmentof maritime transportation industry or other Committees have been around for decades inHomelandSecurityNationalAdvisory port and waterway stakeholders one form or another, but all were re-charteredCommittee where recommendations can haveRecent work of the N-MSAC includes mitigating under section 601 of the Frank LoBiondo Acta direct impact on PVA member companies. transportationsecurityincidentsthrough of 2018. The committees operate under theenhancingthesharingofinformationrelated provisions of the Federal Advisory CommitteeTHE NATIONAL MARITIMEtocybersecurityrisksbetweenrelevantfederal ActinadditiontotheadministrativeSECURITY ADVISORYagencies and: provisions applicable to all National MaritimeCOMMITTEE (N-MSAC)State, local, and tribal governmentsTransportationAdvisoryCommitteesin46TheN-MSACadvises,consultswith,andRelevant public-safety andemergency-response agenciesRelevant law enforcement andsecurity organizationsRELAX. THIS JOURNEYS Maritime industry Port owners and operators POWERED BY CATERPILLAR.Terminal owners and operatorsRob Matticola of New York Waterway is the PVA When your cargo can talk, the stakes are high. Whenmember on N-MSAC. you choose Caterpillar, you dont have to worry about meeting your passengers high expectations forTHE NATIONAL MERCHANT reliable, safe, clean operation. Our engines set the standard, so everyone can sit back and enjoy the ride. MARINE PERSONNEL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (N-MERPAC)N-MERPACmakesrecommendationstothe Learn more about our Ferry and Cruise solutions CoastGuardwhichinfl uencethedevelopment of Coast Guard regulations and policy guidance aff ecting personnel working in the U.S. maritime industry, including, but not limited to: training, For more information, visit www.cat.com/marine 2020 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, LETS DO THE WORK, their respective logos, Caterpillar Yellow, the Power Edge and Cat Modern Hex trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.SAFETY MATTERS 30 FOGHORN'