b'About the Author: FOGHORN FOCUSJORDAN BALBRESKYDIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONSRUSHTON GREGORY COMMUNICATIONSA former public relations practitioner, Jordan Balbresky returned to the agency world following a decade of hands-on marine experience. Living intheCaribbeanandworkinginallaspects of the marine industryfrom boat building, restoration, and maintenance, to charter captain and delivery crew of sailing and motor yachtsBalbreskyhasafi understandingofrst-hand theoutdoorandmaritimemarkets.Fully immersinghimselfintheindustry,heisa licensedscubainstructor,aswellasmaster mariner and has lived on-board a custom-built schooner while skippering charters on boats of all sizes in the US Virgin Islands. In between articles he works as a public relations and social media professional.ManagedbyMaxAllenandhisfamily,said Max Allen. Over the next 20 hours ofWeveseentremendousinterestinour thecompanyisbasedinRosslynBayservice there was a noticeable diff erence inproduct line in the commercial space, said Harbour and off ers ferry transfers, as wellthe fuel burn between the two sides, withChrisBaird,CEO,Propspeed.Owners, asawiderangeofcruisestotheKeppelthe port side burning an additional 200 litersoperators and shipyards around the world are Bay Islands. These vessels are also availableof fuel and clocking up an extra two hours ofapplyingitfortheprotectionfromgrowth forprivatecharters,commercialcrewsrun time compared to the treated propeller. and corrosion it provides. We decided to off er orbareboatchartersandforlong-orour established product in a more convenient short-term contracts. With all-in-one protection, Propspeed off erspackage for these vessels and look forward to defense against marine growth and corrosionmaking it just a little easier for marine industry Thebusinesshasbeenusingfoul-releasefor all underwater metal assets. Their ultra- professionals to purchase and apply our foul-coating since 2000 and generally pulls theslicktopcoatisspeciallyformulatedtorelease coating.boatsevery1216months,applyingthepreventmarinegrowthfrombondingto treatment at each haul out. Over the years,metal surfaces below the waterline. It helpsTobestserveitscustomers,Propspeedhas the Allens have been involved in the buildingsupport vessel readiness, increase efficiency,establishedaworldwidepresencewith14 oftheirvesselsandincreasedefficienciespreventcorrosion,savefuel,andreducesales and technical staffworldwide servicing from products like the foul-release coatingmaintenancecosts.Thebrandrecentlycustomersontheground.Ithasthree can be a factor when selecting engines. launched a kit packaged specifi cally for thewarehousesgloballytobeabletoquickly commercial marine trade professional. Theservicekeymarketsandhasdistribution WhenwedamagedapropellerononePropspeed Commercial Kit includes what ispartnersinover30countries.Productsare sideofourboat,thenearestslipwas10needed to coat two propellers 65-80-inchestestedandvalidatedbythreethird-party hours away in Hervey Bay, so the decisionin size, or a total surface coverage of 153testing facilities: New Castle University in the was made for divers to fi t a spare which didsquarefeetidealformostvesselsinUnitedKingdomandCallahanInnovation not have the foul-release coating applied,this space. and Auckland University in New Zealand. FOGHORN FOCUS: MARINE PROPULSION 18 FOGHORN'