b'NEWSWIRENEWSWIRE Have You Responded tothe National Census of Ferry Operators?M any, but not all, PVA ferry2024awardifyoudontrespondtoBTS traditionally conducts the census operatorshaverespondedthe National Census this year. everytwoyears.Hadthatschedule totheNationalCensusbeenadheredto,thesurveywould ofFerryOperators.HaveyoudoneEarlierthisyear,theU.S.Bureauofhave been done last year, seeking 2021 so yet? Its important that every PVATransportationStatistics(BTS)con- data. However, BTS took a hiatus for a ferryoperatorparticipates,becausetacted each U.S. ferry operator by emailyear because the 2021 data would have thiscensusprovidesthemostcom- as well as by a letter in surface mail. been skewed, since many ferry opera-prehensive snapshot of ferry trans- tors ridership was still depressed as a portation in the United States. PVAThecurrentsurveyseeksstatisticalresult of the pandemic.uses the collected data to advocate forinformationaboutferryoperations policiesthatbenefitferryoperators,in calendar year 2022. Each operatorThe census is being conducted online. such as last years successful amend- isrequestedtoprovideinformationIf you have not received an email com-ment to make all private ferry opera- aboutbasicoperationalcharacteris- munication from BTS, please contactWITH EPA TIER 4,tors, regardless of location or type oftics,passengersandvehiclescarried,ferry@dot.gov for log-in information. operation,eligibletohaveaCapitalvessels,terminals,androutes.SeeYou can also call 1-800-853-1351 for in-Construction Fund (CCF). operationinformation collected in previous cen- formation and help. Clara ReschovskyAS ALWAYSsuses atbts.gov/NCFO. ofBTS(clara.reschovsky@dot.gov Furthermore, if your ferryor 202-768-4994) manages the census; receivesanannualdistributionofTheAprilissueofFOGHORNhasshemadeapresentationatthePVA fundingfromtheFederalHighwayadditionalinformationaboutthisAnnualConventionatMariTrendsYOUR BUSINESS IS Administration, you will forfeit youryears census. Read it here. 2023 in Long Beach, Calif.OUR BUSINESS.ADVERTISERS INDEXABB Marine, Inc. 64 Furuno USA, Inc. . 56 Passenger Vessel Foundation 63All American Marine . 61 Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding. 56 Rigidized Metals Corporation 50Arcadia Alliance . 18 Hamilton Jet 39 RocketRez .2 We develop new propulsion systems that make your vessels cleaner and BAE Systems 37 Humphree USA . 23 Rose Point 17 stronger at the same time. So you can transport more passengers on the worlds Bay Ship and Yacht. 36IMTRA Corporation 48 R.W. Fernstrum Co 64 most regulated waters. Whatever your needs, we provide solutions that work.Beurteaux 46 Incat Crowther 62 Scania USA . 43BRIX Marine . 58 John Deere Power Systems 62 Schottel 39Burger Boat Company 28 Kohler . 12 Starboard Suite 52Carus Cruise Inc 49 Kongsberg 47 Thrive Payments . 12Caterpillar Marine . 54 Marine Jet Power 51 Twin Disc, Inc. 11Crowley 59 MCM/Assured Partners 17 UES Seating 61Cummins Sales & Service . 19 Metal Shark . 60 Volvo Penta .6DeJong and Lebet . 33 MM-Seas . 42 Yanmar . 57Flagship Marine Inc 11 mtuA Rolls Royce solution . 67FPT Industrial North America .5 Newfront . 42www.mtu-solutions.com FOGHORN 66'