b'Ive also heard of casualty thresholds where coverage onlythoroughly review all policy provisions, definitions, and kicks in if a certain number of individuals are injured orexclusions and to negotiate on your behalf. killed in the attack or where the total number of victims is limited. Ive also seen very narrow definitions of whatThe fine print will be the difference between having cov-constitutes a weapon for the purposes of coverage.erage that should respond if an attack occurs and having an expensive piece of paper. You also need to have the right So where am I going with all this? Even getting to probablyunderwriting partner who is willing to craft a customized requires careful review of the product being offered and apolicy to suit your needs and can do so at a price point that willingness on the part of the underwriter to craft a specif- works for all concerned parties. ic policy to suit the particular needs of the client. As I mentioned at the top of this article, while these types Giventhattherearenostandardforms(thatIvecomeof events are becoming more and more common, the mar-across) to provide coverage to passenger vessel operators forketplace is still in its infancy, even more so in the marine active shooter/armed assailant events, what would be theinsurance market. As uncomfortable as this topic is, its critical components of such a policy? I have a few ideas:important to continue to discuss how best to minimize the chances of an attack, lessen the severity or impact if an oneCoverage for liability to third parties related occurs, and manage your financial risk if an event beyondexplicitly to active shooter/armed assailant events your control occurs. Business income or business interruption coveragePhysical damage coverageLoss of attraction & brand rehabilitation coverageCrisis response, management & public relations supportVictim counseling & ongoing supportAbout the Author Prevention costs & training support MARK H. GLEASONACCOUNT EXECUTIVEBroad definition of what constitutes a weapon PARKER, SMITH & FEEK Adequate limits Mark H. Gleason is a licensed marine insurance broker with Parker, Smith & Feek, based in Seattle. No threshold on the number of victims He helps manage risk for a broad range of maritime businesses,includingpassengervesseloperators,No restriction on the motivation of the attacker commercial fishing, marine contractors, shipyards and boatyards, and vendors and suppliers to the Crime scene cleanup costs maritime industry. Prior to starting his career in insurance, Mark spent 24 years in the maritime in-These are just a few of my thoughts. Without question,dustry, including many years as a commercial fish-there are other vital components you, as an operator, coulderman, researcher, Congressional staffer, and advo-come up with. You know your operation better than anycate for the industry at the State and Federal levels. brokerorunderwriter.Inmyopinion,thereinliestheYoucanreachhimatmhgleason@psfinc.com,keywork with a broker you trust and in whom you have(425) 974-3011 (office), or (831) 419-6993 (mobile).confidence.Youwillhavetorelyonthatindividualto 13 AUGUST 2023'